Fettuccine Carbonara Today I show you how to make a delicious Carbonara with my simple recipe. This is one of my favourite recipes because it is so easy and can be made in a low fat version (see my low-fat fettucine carbonara version recipe). Did you know that Homemade Hooplah's one year I've tried numerous carbonara recipes over the years, and this is the closest I've found (by far) to making.

Bahan Membuat Fettuccine Carbonara

  1. It's of Fettuccine (tergantung kebutuhan yah banyak nya).
  2. You need 3 lembar of smoked beef.
  3. It's 4 of jamur champignon.
  4. It's 1 sdm of mentega.
  5. Prepare 30 gr of keju edam.
  6. Prepare 50 gr of keju cheddar.
  7. It's 300 ml of air.
  8. It's 400 ml of susu fullcream.
  9. You need Sejumput of garam.
  10. You need Sejumput of gula pasir.

Langkah Memasak Fettuccine Carbonara

  1. Iris sesuai selera ya.
  2. Jamur champignon.
  3. Parut keju.
  4. Panaskan mentega.
  5. Masukan smoked beef dan jamur, Tumis sampai matang beri sejumput garam dan gula.
  6. Siapkan wadah, kocok lepas telur dan keju (harusnya tambahkan lada hitam lebih enak, saya tak ada).
  7. Tuangkan tumis smoked beef dan jamur tadi ke dalam wadah campuran keju tadi,aduk hingga merata.
  8. Panaskan air di campur dengan susu fullcream, siapkan Fettuccine nya, teplon bekas tumis smoked beef jadi masih ada sisa bekas mentega.
  9. Rebus Fettuccine hingga matang, jika Fettuccine banyak boleh tambahkan lagi takaran air dan susu nya rebus hingga kuahnya menyusut dan Fettuccine matang.
  10. Masukan Fettuccine ke dalam wadah cream keju tadi langsung di aduk cepat, lining telur nya langsung akan set matang, aduk cepat.
  11. Fettuccine carbonara siap disajikan. Selamat menikmati..

This delicious pasta dish will make you feel like you're on vacation in Cuisine Italian. Add this creamy, eggy Fettuccine Carbonara to your dinner rotation. RELATED: Use This Secret Ingredient to Make Cream Sauce With No Fat or Dairy. Easy restaurant quality carbonara made in a flash. I am asked to make this again and again from both friends and family!

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