Fettuccine Carbonara Today I show you how to make a delicious Carbonara with my simple recipe. This is one of my favourite recipes because it is so easy and can be made in a low fat version (see my low-fat fettucine carbonara version recipe). Did you know that Homemade Hooplah's one year I've tried numerous carbonara recipes over the years, and this is the closest I've found (by far) to making.

Bahan Membuat Fettuccine Carbonara

  1. It's of Fettuccine-31 La Fonte.
  2. You need of Fresh Milk Cimory Low Fat.
  3. You need of Keju Cheddar-Kraft.
  4. Prepare 2 of Sosis Kimbo.
  5. Prepare Beberapa Helai of Bayam.
  6. Prepare of Bubuk Oregano (secukupnya).
  7. You need of Bubuk Paprika (sesuai selera).
  8. You need 2 siung of Bawang putih (Iris Halus).
  9. It's of Margarine/Blue band.

Langkah Memasak Fettuccine Carbonara

  1. .
  2. .
  3. Pertama, rebus terlebih dahulu Fettuccine sampai matang. Kemudian jika sudah, sisihkan..
  4. Panaskan Margarine kedalam teflon, lalu tuang bawang putih yang telah diiris halus, tumis hingga harum..
  5. Lalu tuangkan sosis, aduk hingga rata..
  6. Ketika sudah harum terasa, tambahkan susu Fresh Milk aduk aduk rata, setelah itu tambahkan keju, bayam dan oregano aduk kembali sampai meresap..
  7. Tambahkan Fettuccine yang sudah matang tadi bersama dengan kuah dan bumbu yang telah tercampur, aduk hingga merata..
  8. Terakhir sajikan dengan bubuk paprika jika ingin ada rasa pedas..
  9. Selesai perjumpaan memasak kali ini🤭🤭 senengnya bisa berbagi. Hihi. Semoga suka dan selamat mencoba ya! Yipppppy❤️❤️❤️.

This delicious pasta dish will make you feel like you're on vacation in Cuisine Italian. Add this creamy, eggy Fettuccine Carbonara to your dinner rotation. RELATED: Use This Secret Ingredient to Make Cream Sauce With No Fat or Dairy. Easy restaurant quality carbonara made in a flash. I am asked to make this again and again from both friends and family!

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