Steam egg isi salmon&sayur. Lembut bangeettt Serve with lemon wedges or creamy horseradish sauce. For years I have roasted, seared and oven finished, sautéed in the pan, baked in parchment, poached, even grilled salmon. Steamed egg is one of those Chinese comfort foods that you can never go wrong with.

Bahan Membuat Steam egg isi salmon&sayur. Lembut bangeettt

  1. Prepare Segenggam of mix vegetable frozen. (Bisa sayur apa aja).
  2. Prepare 50 gr of salmon.
  3. You need 2 butir of telur.
  4. It's 100 ml of air mineral.
  5. It's 1 sdm of Bawang putih.

Langkah Memasak Steam egg isi salmon&sayur. Lembut bangeettt

  1. Tumis bawang putih, tambahkan sayur serta salmon. Masak hingga sayur layu dan salmon berubah warna..
  2. Kocok lepas 2 butir telur dan tambahkan air serta tumisan salmon td. Aduk rata..
  3. Masukan telur di wadah tahan panas lalu taro dipanci isi air (di tim) kira2 20-25 menit..
  4. Angkat dan sajikan, bisa tambahkan saos atau keju sesuai selera.

Only with egg, water, salt and some sesame oil, you can make this super smooth custard at home. This one-pot salmon rice is the definition of umami. It's been said that the biggest ones taste the best. They can be used as an ingredient for a tasty dish. Dengan salmon dan keju cottage lezat nan menyehatkan.

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