Brownies nyoklat (simple steamed in bowl) no mixer The results are nothing less than scrumptious! Microwave Brownie is a quick and easy dessert that you can make for yourself. This can be place in a bowl (just like I did) or you may also use a mug.

Bahan Membuat Brownies nyoklat (simple steamed in bowl) no mixer

  1. You need 6 sdm munjung of terigu.
  2. Prepare 5 sdm munjung of gulpas.
  3. It's 6 sdt munjung of coklat bubuk.
  4. It's 2 butir of telor.
  5. Prepare 6 sdm munjung of mentega.
  6. It's 6 blok of dcc.
  7. It's 1 sdt munjung of baking powder.
  8. You need 1/2 sdt of vanili bubuk.
  9. You need of skm coklat, tambahkan jika rasa masih kurang manis.
  10. It's 50-100 ml of air.

Langkah Memasak Brownies nyoklat (simple steamed in bowl) no mixer

  1. Potong2 dcc, panaskan bersama mentega hingga cair (saya menggunakan bowl alumunium, dg api kecil)..
  2. Campur bahan2 kering ke salam bowl. Aduk rata. Tuang air sedikit demi sedikit. Masukkan telur. Aduk rata. Koreksi rasa. Jika kurang manis, tambahkan skm coklat. Jgn terlalu encer. Diamkan 15-25 menit. Panaskan kukusan. Jika kukusan sdh beruap penuh, masukkan bowl. Tutup kukusan yg sdh dilapisi kain/serbet. Gunakan api kecil. kukus sampai matang.

There's cake batter, frosting, a bowl for dry ingredients, another bowl for wet ingredients—the whole shebang. And before you can even get started you have to pull out your mixer, find the whisk attachment, and make. Mix it well until you have a crumble-like texture. Now, using your hands form a ball of brownie dough. *Now place it flat on a flat surface or a plate and carve out little square brownies. Obviously I'm OBSESSED with these brownies as they are, but if you're looking for ways to mix it up, here are some variations/other SMTY brownie recipes to try!

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