OyakoDon Japanese Rice Bowl🐥_🐣 Oyakodon, a soupy rice bowl with bite-size chicken and softly cooked egg, is often overshadowed by its more glamorous cousins — katsudon, crowned with a golden breaded pork cutlet, and kaisendon, jeweled with sashimi. But to describe oyakodon's layered textures and sweet-salty sauce of onions. Oyakodon - Japanese Rice bowl recipe: Chicken, egg and sauces on top of steamed rice.

Bahan Membuat OyakoDon Japanese Rice Bowl🐥_🐣

  1. It's 1/2 of dada ayam fillet tipis.
  2. Prepare 3 butir of telur.
  3. You need 1 buah of bawang bombay iris memanjang.
  4. You need of Bumbu :.
  5. You need 4 sdm of Shoyu/kecap asin jepang.
  6. You need 1 sdm of gula pasir.
  7. You need 1 sdm of kaldu ayam (saya Knor non msg).
  8. You need 1 cup of air matang.
  9. It's of Taburan:.
  10. Prepare Secukupnya of irisan daun bawang.

Langkah Memasak OyakoDon Japanese Rice Bowl🐥_🐣

  1. Fillet dada ayam tipis2(searah serat),potong iris memanjang bawang bombay.. sisihkan..
  2. Siapkan 2 mangkuk..mangkuk 1 👉kocok 2 telur.. Lalu kocok 1 telur👉 di mangkok ke 2...
  3. Siapkan wajan, Masukkan bahan bumbu, lalu masukkan ayam fillet, bawang bombay. Didihkan dng API KECIL_SEDANG sampai ayam berubah warna/matang....
  4. Masukkan/sirami 2 telor kocok /mangkuk 1 👉aduk asal. Siram kembali 1 telur kocok mangkuk berikutnya, 👉tutup wajan hingga telur 1/2 matang.Matikan api.ini ada kuahnya sedikit...Done😊.
  5. SAJIKAN.. Ambil nasi hangat,tuang diatasnya Oyakodon +irisan daun bawang 👉 (kl kurang asin bole pake potongan rawit+kecap asin).. OISHIII pemirsahhh... MUST TRY this😘👍.
  6. Jadi ransum anak2 pagi ini enakkk... Mudah... Cepett bikinnya sehat n bergizi..👍👍😘..

It's a satisfying comfort food that's a staple of Japanese home cooking thanks to its simple preparation. Oyakodon recipe, a Japanese one bowl rice dish. Steamed white rice is topped with a combination of onions, chicken and softly cooked eggs that's been simmered in a Oyakodon, Japanese Chicken and Egg over Rice. Scroll down for the YouTube video. Oyakodon is a Japanese one bowl rice dish.

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