Japanese oyakodon Oyakodon (Japanese Chicken and Egg Rice Bowl). A couple of weeks back, I said that if ramen is like the hamburger of Japan, then gyudon (simmered beef and rice bowl) is its hot dog. Oyakodon, a soupy rice bowl with bite-size chicken and softly cooked egg, is often overshadowed But to describe oyakodon's layered textures and sweet-salty sauce of onions melting in soy, sake.

Bahan Membuat Japanese oyakodon

  1. Prepare 300 gram of ayam filet potong dadu.
  2. Prepare 3 butir of telur.
  3. It's 1 buah of bawang bombay ukuran sedang.
  4. It's of Bumbu;.
  5. Prepare 2 sdm of kecap asin.
  6. It's 1/2 sdm of gulapasir.
  7. It's 1/2 sdt of kaldu ayam bubuk.
  8. Prepare 100 ml of air.

Langkah Memasak Japanese oyakodon

  1. Masak ayam dan bawang bombay bersama bumbu.masak dengan api kecil sampai ayam matang.
  2. Kocok lepas 2 telur masukan aduk kasar.masak hingga air menyusut..
  3. Matikan kompor lalu masukan kocokan 1telur lagi tutup panci tunggu hingga matang..
  4. Sajikan dengan nasi hangat heeem yummi.

Steamed white rice is topped with a combination of onions, chicken and softly cooked eggs that's been simmered in a broth of dashi, sake, mirin and soy. Oyakodon literally "parent-and-child donburi", chicken is the parent and egg is the child. But if you have Japanese market around where you live, please check them out first! Oyako is a traditional Japanese donburi, or rice bowl. Chicken and eggs are simmered in a flavorful broth and then spooned over steamed Japanese rice.

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