Beef Oyakodon The Japan Food Addict app is here! Grab it on the App Store. In Japanese oyako literally means "parents and children" and don is short for "donburi," which is food served on top of rice in a.

Bahan Membuat Beef Oyakodon

  1. You need 12 slice of tipis sapi.
  2. Prepare 2 butir of telur.
  3. It's 1 buah of bawang bombay.
  4. You need 2 sdm of saus teriyaki.
  5. You need 2 sdm of kecap manis.
  6. You need 2 sdm of kecap asin.
  7. It's 200 ml of air.
  8. Prepare 1 sdt of tepung kanji.

Langkah Memasak Beef Oyakodon

  1. Masukkan tepung kanji ke wadah yang berisi irisan tipis sapi lalu tambahkan 2 sdm air, aduk rata..
  2. Marinasi sapi dengan saus teriyaki, kecap asin, kecap manis. Rendam minimal 15menit..
  3. Potong bawang bombay. Lalu siapkan wajan, tambahkan 2 sdm minyak. Tumis bawang bombay hingga wangi..
  4. Masukkan sapi iris lalu tumis sebentar. Kemudian masukkan sisa air, Lalu masukkan telur. Diamkan telur sebentar, lalu aduk dan campur telur dengan sapi, sampai matang. Koreksi rasanya..
  5. Oyakodon sapi siap disantap dengan semangkuk nasi panas ๐Ÿ˜.

It is a rice bowl dish that uses both the chicken and the egg as toppings. Home ยป Rice Bowls ยป Oyakodon - Failproof Japanese Chicken Bowl. Oyakodon is chicken and egg in seasoned broth over rice in a bowl. Oyako means "parent and child", so the ingredients of oyakodon are chicken and eggs. Chicken and sliced onion are cooked with fish broth, soy sauce, sugar, and mirin (rice wine) in a.

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