Oyakodon (Chicken-Egg rice bowl) Oyakodon (親子丼) is a classic Japanese chicken and egg rice bowl, with tender pieces of chicken and sweet onions simmered in a sweet and savory dashi that's bound together with egg. It's a satisfying comfort food that's a staple of Japanese home cooking thanks to its simple preparation. Chef Dai demonstrates how to make "Oyakodon" - a simple yet delicious Japanese rice bowl recipe with tender, juicy nuggets of chicken and fluffy, creamy egg.

Bahan Membuat Oyakodon (Chicken-Egg rice bowl)

  1. Prepare 2 butir of telur, kocok masing2.
  2. It's 2 mangkok of nasi.
  3. Prepare secukupnya of irisan daun bawang.
  4. Prepare 100 gr of dada ayam, iris.
  5. It's 1/2 buah of bawang bombay, iris memanjang.
  6. You need of Bumbu.
  7. Prepare 50 ml of mirin (saya pakai mirin halal).
  8. It's 3 sdm of kecap asin.
  9. Prepare secukupnya of dashi.
  10. It's 1 sdt of brown sugar.
  11. You need 100 ml of air.

Langkah Memasak Oyakodon (Chicken-Egg rice bowl)

  1. Campur rata semua bumbu.
  2. Masak bumbu di atas teflon, masukkan bawang bombay & irisan ayam. Masak hingga ayam matang.
  3. Bagi menjadi 2 bagian. Buat satu bagiannya masih di atas teflon..
  4. Tuang 1 butir kocokan telur di atas teflon berisi 1/2 tumisan ayam. Taburi dengan irisan daun bawang. Tutup & masak dengan api kecil hingga telur matang.
  5. Letakkan di atas nasi yg telah disiapkan dalam mangkuk.
  6. Lakukan hal yang sama untuk bagian yg lain..
  7. Sajikan hangat.

This Oyako Donburi is the ultimate one pot meal for busy weeknights! There's a reason Oyakondon (chicken and egg rice bowl) is Japanese's favorite comfort food. Juicy chicken and caramelized onions simmered. Oyako is a traditional Japanese donburi, or rice bowl. Chicken and eggs are simmered in a flavorful broth and then spooned over steamed Japanese rice.

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