Oyako-don (Chicken and Egg with Rice) 親子丼 The word 'oyako' (親子) means parent and child in Japanese. The main ingredients of this dish are chicken and egg so you go and figure out where. Oyakodon (親子丼) is a classic Japanese chicken and egg rice bowl, with tender pieces of chicken and sweet onions simmered in a sweet and savory dashi that's bound together with egg.

Bahan Membuat Oyako-don (Chicken and Egg with Rice) 親子丼

  1. Prepare 200 g of paha ayam // 200g鶏もも肉 // 200g Chicken thigh.
  2. You need 200 g of dada ayam // 200g 鶏むね肉 // 200g Chicken breast.
  3. Prepare 8 of telur // 8個 卵 // 8 Egg.
  4. You need 30 g of bawang Bombay // 30g玉ねぎ // 30g Onion.
  5. It's of Bahan kuah // broth.
  6. You need 60 g of kecap kedelai // 60gしょうゆ // 60g Soy sauce.
  7. Prepare 60 g of mirin // 60g みりん // 60g Mirin.
  8. It's 30 g of sake // 30g酒 // 30g sake.
  9. You need 30 g of gula // 30g砂糖 // 30g Sugar.
  10. It's 30 g of gula // 30g砂糖 // 30g Sugar.
  11. Prepare 8 g of kaldu dashi bubuk // 8g顆粒和風だし// 8g Japanese-style granules.
  12. You need 320 cc of air // 320cc水 // 320cc Water.

Langkah Memasak Oyako-don (Chicken and Egg with Rice) 親子丼

  1. Apabila anda tidak menggunakan mirin atau sake, pakai campuran 50cc air dan 15g gula みりん、酒を使用しない場合、水を50㏄+砂糖15gを追加してください。 If you do not use mirin or sake, add 50 cc of water + 15 g of sugar..
  2. *Tambahan // オプション// Optional Rumput laut // 海苔// Nori.
  3. Masak paha ayam berkulit yang sudah dipotong menjadi ukuran gigitan dengan wajan 一口サイズに切った鶏もも肉を皮目を下にしてフライパンで焼く。 Bake chicken thigh meat cut into bite sizes in a frying pan with the skin down..
  4. Tambahkan bumbu kuah dan bawang Bombay ke wajan dan masak selama dua menit dengan api sedang フライパンにの調味料と玉ねぎを入れて、強めの中火で2分煮る。 Add the broth seasoning and onion to a frying pan and cook for 2 minutes on a medium heat..
  5. Tambahkan potongan dada ayam dan masak selama dua menit 薄く切った鶏むね肉を加えて2分間煮る。 Add sliced chicken breast and cook for 2 minutes..
  6. Begitu ayam sudah matang, tambahkan 2/3 telur yang sudah dikocok dan masak selama satu menit ]鶏肉と卵に火が通ったら、溶き卵の溶き卵の2/3を加えて1分間煮る。 When the chicken are cooked, add 2/3 of the beaten egg and cook for 1 minute..
  7. Tambahkan sisa telur kocok dan rebus dengan api sedang hingga setengah matang 残りの溶き卵も加えて中火で半熟になるまで煮て 出来上がり。 Add the rest of the beaten egg and boil over medium heat until half-boiled..
  8. TIPS ♢ポイント(Point) Potong paha ayam menjadi ukuran gigitan, dan iris-iris dada ayam もも肉は一口大、むね肉は薄切りにする。 Cut the thighs into bite-sized pieces and slice the breast meat. Pastikan paha ayamnya terpanggang beserta kulitnya 鶏もも肉は、必ず皮目を下にして焼く。 Be sure to grill chicken thigh meat with the skin down. Jangan kocok telur terlalu kuat (lebih baik apabila tidak tercampur semuanya) 溶き卵はあまり混ぜすぎないように(むらがあった方が良い) Don't mix the beaten egg too much (it's better to have unevenness).

Vegetables: Substitute spinach, green peas or snow peas for some or all of the scallions. If you don't have mirin on hand, substitute with a tablespoon of sugar. Never mind the chicken or the egg. The most commonly found version here in the U. S., however, is the chicken and the egg over rice.

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