Budae jjigae (army base stew) Budae jjigae (Army stew) is easy to make. As long as it has kimchi and some American processed meats, it's a budae jjigae. You can't go wrong with the Budae is a general term for a military base in Korean, but budae jjigae is translated into "Army stew" or "Army base stew" because of its origin.

Bahan Membuat Budae jjigae (army base stew)

  1. It's 5 buah of sosis sapi.
  2. It's 1 kaleng of kornet sapi.
  3. It's 5 buah of tahu putih.
  4. You need of Seganggam tauge.
  5. It's Secukupnya of sawi putih.
  6. Prepare 1 keping of mie instan.
  7. It's 1 keping of bihun kering.
  8. It's Secukupnya of kimchi (me skip).
  9. Prepare 1 buah of bawang bombay.
  10. It's 1 batang of daun bawang.
  11. Prepare 3 gelas of air kaldu sapi.
  12. Prepare of Bahan saus.
  13. Prepare 3 sdm of gochujang.
  14. You need 3 sdm of cabe bubuk (sesuai selera).
  15. It's 2 siung of bawang putih cincang.
  16. Prepare Secukupnya of gula pasir.
  17. You need Secukupnya of garam.

Langkah Memasak Budae jjigae (army base stew)

  1. Campur semua bahan saus jadi satu, sisihkan.
  2. Potong sosis,kornet,sawi putih,bawang bombay serta daun bawang sesuai selera. Lalu susun semua bahan isian kecuali mi dan bihun di atas panci/wajan (aku pake teplon)..
  3. Kemudian taruh bahan saus tadi di atasnya, dan masukan air kaldu masak sampai mendidih.
  4. Setelah mendidih masukan mie dan bihun masak sampai matang.
  5. Budae jjigae siap di santap.

We had to find the way to enjoy spam, hotdog, cheese and all in our own way and that's how Bugae Jjigae born. For those who are not familiar with this dish, budae jjigae originated during the Korean War, where food scarcity led to Koreans cooking this stew by using leftover ingredients from the US Army such as Spam, hot dogs. This spicy looking stew called Korean army stew, aka "budae jjigae (부대찌개)", is one them. Typically they were the cans of Spam, pork and. The word Budae means Army Base in Korean and by now you know Jjigae means stew.

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