Sundubu jjigae Soft Tofu Stew (sundubu-jjigae: 순두부찌개) w/ Seafood & Pork RESTAURANT-STYLE Soondubu-Jjigae + Mukbang. Sundubu jjigae (순두부찌개) - Korea's ultimate comfort food! Sundubu jjigae is a variety of traditional Korean stews.

Bahan Membuat Sundubu jjigae

  1. You need 2 sdm of Gochugaru (cabe bubuk korea, saya beli di shoppee).
  2. You need 1 sdm of Gojuchang.
  3. It's of Minyak wijen.
  4. You need of Totole.
  5. It's of Air.
  6. It's of Bawang pre.
  7. It's of Kimchi (optional).
  8. It's 1 butir of telur.
  9. It's of Tahu (silk tofu).

Langkah Memasak Sundubu jjigae

  1. Masukan minyak wijen dan sedikit minyak biasa lalu tumis bawang pre. Setelah wangi masukan 2sdm gochugaru aduk2 dan masukan 1sdm gojuchang lalu masukan air. Tunggu sampai mendidih. Setelah mendidih masukan tahu,kimchi. Saya tambahkan totole biar lebih sedap. Lalu terakhir masukan telur aduk sesuai selera. Super gampang :).

In Korean, sundubu is soft tofu and jjigae is stew, thus soft tofu stew! I kind of think of it more as soup then stew but I guess that's a. We teach you how to make Soondubu Jjigae and Korean anchovy broth in this week's Food Adventure Program for Awesome People! Sundubu Jjigae (Spicy Soft Tofu Stew) Boiling in Hot Pot. Sundubu Jjigae or Soft Tofu Stew recipe that is so easy to make and so delicious that my husband told me it's almost as good, if not better.

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