Ultimate Kimchi Jjigae

Bahan Membuat Ultimate Kimchi Jjigae

  1. It's 300 gram of Daging Sapi.
  2. Prepare 100 gram of Jamur Kancing (Champignon, Portabello).
  3. Prepare 1 buah of Bawang Bombay.
  4. You need 4 siung of Bawang Putih.
  5. It's 2 batang of Daun Bawang.
  6. It's 1 buah of Cabai (Cabe) Hijau Besar.
  7. It's 1/2 buah of Zucchini.
  8. It's 1 ruas of Kimchi.
  9. You need 1 cangkir of Air Kimchi.
  10. It's 1 buah of Tahu Jepang/Tahu Sutra.
  11. You need 3 sendok makan of Gochugaru.
  12. It's 2 sendok makan of Minyak Wijen.
  13. Prepare 3 sendok makan of Ganjang.
  14. It's 1 sendok makan of Happy Salad Oil.
  15. Prepare 800 ml of Air.

Langkah Memasak Ultimate Kimchi Jjigae

  1. Marinate your diced meat in a tablespoon of cooking wine (mihyang) and a little bit of salt and pepper. Set aside so they get to know each other and become best friends..
  2. Rinse your mushrooms. I know some people do not rinse mushrooms but I do. Mushrooms are dirty little buddies..
  3. Slice your mushrooms. I like to slice them pretty thickly so it still has some bites into it. Do you know that mushrooms have zero calories? Some good things are free, man..
  4. Slice your green peppers thinly. Discard some of the seeds if you are intimidated by them..
  5. Cut your green onions at approximately 5.2726 cm long. Or not. :P.
  6. Mince your garlic finely. I love garlic in Korean recipes. They are so harmonious when mixed with Korean sauces and sesame oil..
  7. Slice your onions thinly. I don't like dicing them because big chunks are great when mixed with sauce. Wait for it, you'll know what I mean..
  8. Throw all the vegetables together in a big bowl for the most fun part of the recipe. You will know why..
  9. Cut your zucchini into four long parts. Then dice them away. Throw them into the bowl with the other green vegetables..
  10. Prepare your kimchi. The more aged one, the better. The more sour one, the better. The stronger it smells, the better!.
  11. Cut them into bite pieces. If your kimchi is not too aged, mix with a little bit vinegar. It's like instant fermentation!.
  12. Reserve a cup of kimchi juice. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT ingredient. When you buy kimchi, ask for LOTS of juice..
  13. Slice your tofu the way you love it. You can cube them into small cubes but I'd rather not. Why? Because I am lazy..
  14. Mix 3 tbs of gochujang (Korean chili paste), 3 tbs gochukaru (Korean chili flakes), 3 tbs of ganjang (Korean soy sauce), and 2 tbs of sesame oil..
  15. Mix them together until they become this luscious looking paste. Divide them into half..
  16. Pour half of the sauce you made into the vegetables bowl and prepare for some fun..
  17. Put your gloves on... unless you do not mind having chili paste under your fingers..
  18. And grab those vegetables! Squeeze them messily! Rub them hard! Think about choking your annoying ex-partner!.
  19. See all the bloody mess? Once you're finished committing the crime and they are coated with the (bloody) sauce, set them aside to rest..
  20. Grab your Happiness. Happy Salad Oil. Put around a tablespoon of it in the pan..
  21. Brown your meat in the pan. Do not worry if you are using pork or beef. They are equally good..
  22. Once they are browned on the outside, throw in your mushrooms. You can turn up the heat. I love grilling mushrooms in high heat..
  23. Lower the heat and add in your kimchi. Saute them so the kimchi gives some flavour to the mushrooms and meat..
  24. Dump in the rest of your sauce and stir everything together..
  25. This will give the sauce a little bit of smokey hint..
  26. Add in your water and cook until the water is boiling. Boil around 20 minutes..
  27. Then add in your vegetables. The soup will calm down because the veggies you put in were not hot..
  28. Stir the vegetables in and wait until the boiling storm comes back. We want violent boil. This will take around 10 minutes..
  29. Add in your tofu and boil for another 3-5 minutes..
  30. Serve piping hot. It's incredibly good with a cup of steamed white rice. Enjoy! :).

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