Kimchi jigae 🍲 When kimchi gets old, it becomes an excellent ingredient for various other dishes! The most common dish made with aged kimchi is kimchi jjigae (김치 찌개). It's a go-to stew in Korean homes.

Bahan Membuat Kimchi jigae 🍲

  1. You need 250 gr of fermented kimchi (saya homemade bisa dibeli jadi di supermarket).
  2. It's 100 ml of air jus dr kimchi.
  3. It's 2 siung of bawang putih.
  4. It's 150 ml of air kaldu (ayam/ seafood).
  5. You need 100 gr of rumput laut (jenis utk sup, bisa di skip kalau tdk ada).
  6. Prepare 1 sdm of kecap ikan.
  7. It's 1 sdm of minyak wijen.
  8. You need 1 sdm of gula.
  9. You need 1 sdt of garam.
  10. You need 2 btg of daun bawang.
  11. Prepare 1 bh of tahu cina kotak (tahu putih).
  12. It's of biji wijen, utk taburan.
  13. Prepare of telur (optional).

Langkah Memasak Kimchi jigae 🍲

  1. Siapkan air kaldu , saya buat dengan merebus seafood dg rumput laut. Kalau tdk ada, bs langsung skip saja langkah ini dengan membuat air kaldu blok biasa..
  2. Tumis bawang putih cincang dengan daging & kimchi masukan air kaldu, dan air kimchi lalu bumbui dengan gula, garam,minyak wijen, kecap ikan, aduk rata. Kalau memakai telur masukan di tahap ini. Masak Sampai mendidih..
  3. Susun tahu yg sdh dipotong2, daun bawang . matikan api dan taburkan biji wijen..

When it's chilly outside, there's nothing better than a stone pot bubbling with this fiery red stew in front of you. Kimchi stew (kimchi jjigae or kimchichigae) combines kimchi with other ingredients such as beef, onions, garlic Fiery, hearty, and full of flavor, kimchi jjigae (pronounced kim-chee GEE-jig-ee) is. Kimchi Jjigae (김치 찌개) is a spicy Korean stew made with fermented kimchi, pork belly and tofu. Korean dishes I recommend. <p><p>Kimchi jigae A spicy soup that contains: kimchi, tofu, meat etc… 김치찌개. Yookgaejang A spicy soup that contains a little bit of noodles and veggies 육개장.

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