Kimchi Jjigae (sup kimchi) It's a go-to stew in Korean homes. This spicy kimchi jjigae (kimchichigae) or kimchi stew is a favorite winter meal in Korea. It is best served with white rice to help balance the heat.

Bahan Membuat Kimchi Jjigae (sup kimchi)

  1. It's 100 gr of daging sapi (iris tipis panjang).
  2. You need 2 sdm of gochujang.
  3. Prepare 1 sdt of bubuk cabai.
  4. It's 1 of \2 gelas kimchi (potong).
  5. Prepare 1 gelas of air kimchi.
  6. It's 1 genggam of Kacang polong (optional).
  7. You need 3 siung of bawang putih (cincang halus).
  8. Prepare 1 of \4 buah bombay (potong potong).
  9. Prepare 3 buah of tahu sutra (potong potong).
  10. It's 1 bgks of Jamur kancing (potong tipis).
  11. It's 1 sdt of wakame kering.
  12. You need 1 batang of daun bawang (potong serong).
  13. Prepare 2 gelas of air (bisa lebih).
  14. You need 1 sdm of minyak wijen.

Langkah Memasak Kimchi Jjigae (sup kimchi)

  1. Rebus air, masukkan daging, tunggu sampai daging empuk\matang..
  2. Tumis bawang putih dan bombay sampai harum..
  3. Masukkan tumisan ke dalam daging, tambahkan kimci, polong, tahu, minyak wijen, air kimchi, gochujang, bubuk cabai, wakame, jamur, masak sampai semua matang, tambahkan daun bawang, masak sebentar, tes rasa (kalau kurang asin tambahkan gochujang, atau bisa tambahkan garam) matikan kompor. Sajikan dengan nasi hangat..

This Korean kimchi soft tofu soup has a fiery broth that infuses custardy tofu with deep flavors and spices. Traditionally served at the table boiling hot in its cooking vessel with an egg cracked in the middle, this healthy dish full of vegetables and protein warms the belly. A delectable, SPICY traditional soup full of kimchi, tofu, veggies, and pork (but can be made vegetarian). Kimchi is available at Asian markets; I recommend buying the homemade variety wherever possible. Kimchi Jjigae (김치 찌개) is a spicy Korean stew made with fermented kimchi, pork belly and tofu.

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