Kimchi jigae/sup kimchi Untuk resep kimchinya aq udah pernah post kemarin. selamat mencoba bunda. When kimchi gets old, it becomes an excellent ingredient for various other dishes! The most common dish made with aged kimchi is kimchi jjigae (๊น€์น˜ The most common dish made with aged kimchi is kimchi jjigae (๊น€์น˜ ์ฐŒ๊ฐœ).

Bahan Membuat Kimchi jigae/sup kimchi

  1. It's Secukupnya of kimchi (saya pake kurleb 1mangkok ayam).
  2. Prepare 1 buah of tofu/tahu jepang.
  3. You need 5 batang of sosis (saya pake merk kimbo sosis serbaguna).
  4. You need 5 butir of bakso sapi.
  5. It's 1/2 sachet of masako sapi.
  6. It's 1 sendok makan of gochujang.
  7. It's 1/2 butir of bawang bombay potong tipis.
  8. You need Secukupnya of lada.

Langkah Memasak Kimchi jigae/sup kimchi

  1. Tumis bawang bombay sampai layu dan harum, masukan kimchi lalu aduk2 diamkan beberapa saat sampai agak layu,beri air kira 1gelas belimbing lebih sedikit biarkan sampai mendidih...
  2. Kalo sudah mendidih,masukan sosis,bakso,tofu lalu gochujang,aduk2 lalu kasih masako sapi dan lada..
  3. Cicipi rasanya, rasa yg didapatkan gurih asin,asam segar seperti tomyum. Selamat mencoba yah bun. Jgn lupa kalo sudah selesai masak matikan kompor ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜.

Kimchi soup (kimchi jjigae) is a staple in Korea. It's a dish you'll find served just about everywhereโ€”out at restaurants and in the home. As a fermented food, the aged kimchi contains "good" bacteria similar to those found in yogurt, making it an excellent probiotic. Kimchi-jjigae (๊น€์น˜์ฐŒ๊ฐœ) or kimchi stew is a jjigae, or stew-like Korean dish, made with kimchi and other ingredients, such as pork or seafood, scallions, onions, and diced tofu. It is one of the most common stews in Korean cuisine.

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