Kimchi Sundubu Jjigae The dish is made with freshly curdled soft tofu (which has not been strained and pressed), vegetables, sometimes mushrooms, onion, optional seafood (commonly oysters, mussels, clams and shrimp). How to make the most delicious Sundubu Jjigae (Korean soft tofu stew) from scratch. This Korean kimchi tofu soup recipe creates a spicy broth that infuses custardy tofu with complex flavors and spices.

Bahan Membuat Kimchi Sundubu Jjigae

  1. You need 3 buah of Tahu Kuning.
  2. Prepare 2 buah of sosis Bratwurst.
  3. Prepare of Kimchi.
  4. It's iris of Cabe Merah.
  5. You need iris of Cabe Rawit.
  6. You need of Daun Bawang.
  7. It's of Gochujang.
  8. It's of Gochugaru.
  9. You need Biji of Wijen Sangrai.
  10. Prepare of Garam.
  11. It's of Gula.
  12. It's of Penyedap rasa.
  13. Prepare of Bawang Putih cincang halus.
  14. It's iris of Bawang Bombay.
  15. It's of Air.
  16. You need of Minyak Goreng.

Langkah Memasak Kimchi Sundubu Jjigae

  1. Tumis bawang bombay, bawang putih, cabe merah dan cabe rawit sampai harum..
  2. Masukkan irisan kimchi, tumis hingga masak, tambahkan gochujang dan gochugaru secukupnya lalu tuangkan air dan masak hingga mendidih..
  3. Setelah mendidih masukkan irisan tahu dan irisan bratwurst, lalu masak hingga matang..
  4. Terakhir, taburkan daun bawang dan biji wijen sangrai..

This sundubu jjigae tastes just like the one served at my favorite Korean restaurant! Instead of the clams, I added mushrooms, carrots, and a few frozen dumplings. Make sure you use SOFT tofu. Kimchi, that famous fermented cabbage dish is practically a must in a Korean meal. It can be consumed alone, as a side dish or it can be the main ingredient for soups or.

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