Garlic Butter Mushroom Spaghetti And let's be honest, it's pretty hard to mess up pasta but this is one of those fail-safe, idiot-proof recipes that I'm. I'm so excited to share this recipe with you all - it's one of my favourite comfort foods, because even in the new year we all need some sustenance! Recipe: Mushroom and Garlic Spaghetti Dinner. by Sheela Prakash.

Bahan Membuat Garlic Butter Mushroom Spaghetti

  1. Prepare of Garlic Oil.
  2. You need 4 sdm of extra virgin olive oil.
  3. You need 6 siung of bawang putih - potong pipih.
  4. Prepare of Spaghetti.
  5. You need 200-225 gr of spaghetti.
  6. You need 75 gr of unsalted butter.
  7. It's 4 siung of bawang putih - cincang halus.
  8. Prepare 2 buah of jamur Portobello.
  9. You need 2.5 sdm of kecap asin.
  10. It's 2.5 sdm of saus tiram.
  11. You need 1 sdt of cabe bubuk.

Langkah Memasak Garlic Butter Mushroom Spaghetti

  1. Garlic Oil: Masukkan minyak zaitun & bawang ke saucepan. Api kecil. Aduk terus. Begitu bawang mulai wangi & kekuningan, angkat. Pindahkan ke wadah tahan panas..
  2. Rebus spaghetti: Siapkan panci besar. Didihkan air matang sekitar 2/3 nya atau bisa merendam semua spaghetti. Masukkan spaghetti, tambah garam sejumput. Masak sampai al dente sekitar 6-7 menit (bisa dites gigit saat proses). Tiriskan & sisihkan..
  3. Masukkan butter, bawang, cabe bubuk ke frypan. Api kecil. Aduk sampai leleh. Masukkan jamur, kecap asin, saus tiram. Aduk sampai jamur matang. Matikan api..
  4. Masukkan spaghetti ke frypan. Nyalakan api kecil. Masak sampai bumbu ngeblend ke spaghetti. Angkat..
  5. Susun spaghetti di pinggan. Tuangkan garlic oil secara merata (bisa minyaknya aja atau bawangnya ikut). Selesai!.

This dish uses simple ingredients - mushrooms, garlic, shallots, cream, parsley, grated cheese and a bit of salt While the pasta cooks, sauté the shallots in butter and cook until transparent. Add the garlic and cook another minute. Buttery, cheesy and garlicky, this garlic Parmesan spaghetti squash recipe is amazingly good, and very close to eating real buttered noodles. This spaghetti squash recipe comes in handy whenever I crave my favorite pasta dish. It's a really simple one: olive oil pasta with garlic and Parmesan.

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