Sassy water Sassy Water is part of the Flat Belly Diet. This diet, created by Prevention's editor in chief Liz Vaccariello, with Sassy Water plays a role in this diet before a person even gets started following it. Sassy water may very well be the water in the image below : It is known to be effective in flattening the tummy if you have a bulging belly.

Bahan Membuat Sassy water

  1. You need 1 ruas jari of jahe digeprek.
  2. You need 10 lembar of daun mint.
  3. It's irisan of jeruk lemon,.
  4. Prepare irisan of mentimun,.

Langkah Memasak Sassy water

  1. Cuci bersih semua bahan, campurkan semua bahan kedalam toples atau jar berisi air mineral.
  2. Simpan di kulkas pada malam hari sebelum tidur.
  3. Pagi hari nya sudah bisa diminum. habiskan dalam satu hari.

Other benefits to using Sassy Water are: The ginger helps calm & soothe your GI tract. Great substitute for those bad high-calorie, sugary drinks. If for some reason you don't like or can't have any of the. Sassy Water is designed to be consumed only during the first four days of the Flat Belly Plan. The Sassy Water mixture contains ingredients that improve digestion and may help curb the appetite.

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