Healthy oat cookies for kids (anti gagal) The Best Healthy Cookies Kids Recipes on Yummly Gluten Free Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies - Healthy Cookie Recipe Using Chickpeas, Healthy Cookie Dough Oatmeal, Healthy Cookie Dough Bites. These Banana Oatmeal Cookies are naturally sweetened and easy to prepare.

Bahan Membuat Healthy oat cookies for kids (anti gagal)

  1. You need 2 cup (550 gr) of butter.
  2. You need 2 of cup(400 gr) brown sugar.
  3. You need 4 sdm of air.
  4. You need 2 sdm of chia seed (optional).
  5. Prepare 2 of telur.
  6. It's 1 sdt of vanilla extract.
  7. Prepare 3 cups (400 gr) of tepung all purpose gluten free.
  8. Prepare 1 sdt of baking soda.
  9. You need 1 sdt of seasalt.
  10. You need 3 cups (270 gr) of rolled oat / instant oat / instant quacker oat.
  11. It's 2 sdm of nutritional yeast (opsional).
  12. It's 1 sdm of kale powder (bisa food powder apapun).
  13. Prepare 2 sdm of almond cincang (opsional).

Langkah Memasak Healthy oat cookies for kids (anti gagal)

  1. Rendam chiaseed dgn air.
  2. Masukkan butter & brown sugar sampai rata,tambah telur, mix.
  3. Masukkan salt,baking soda,& kale powder, chiaseed yang sudah disaring, nutritional yeast, vanilla extract, salt, almond.
  4. Masukkan tepung.
  5. Aduk pelan hingga rata.
  6. Masukkan oats.
  7. Aduk rata, bentuk, beri topping.
  8. Oven 180 derajat selama 10-15 menit.
  9. Paling enak makan selagi hangat. Uenakkk pollll..

On the paper, it The base of these cookies is rolled oats, oat flour, almond flour, and shredded coconut. There is no dry sugar here, and that's what makes the difference. Need to treat your kids' sweet tooth and meet their nutritional needs at the same time? Here's how to make healthy cookies for kids! I'm a swim coach for kids, and I started making these bars for them as a snack.

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