Tiramisu cake pudding And when I say "ranks up there", I mean I wanted to find a way to enjoy bread pudding, so I prepared Dorie Greenspan's chocolate bread. This cake is wonderful for a get together or just a special occasion at home. Using a box cake mix as a base it's a real Nutritional Information.

Bahan Membuat Tiramisu cake pudding

  1. It's of Bahan cake:.
  2. You need 2 btr of telur.
  3. Prepare 135 gr of pondan tepung cake mix vanilla.
  4. It's 50 gr of margarin, cairkan.
  5. You need 2 sdt of pasta tiramisu.
  6. Prepare of Bahan puding tiramisu 1:.
  7. You need of Bahan A:.
  8. It's 1 bks of agar-agar bubuk.
  9. Prepare 1 sdm of jelly bubuk plain.
  10. You need 1/4 sdt of garam.
  11. It's 100 gr of gula pasir.
  12. It's 200 gr of susu kental manis.
  13. You need 50 gr of coklat putih, serut atau potong kecil2.
  14. It's 500 ml of air mineral.
  15. Prepare 2 btr of kuning telur.
  16. It's of Bahan B:.
  17. It's 100 gr of whippy cream bubuk.
  18. Prepare 200 ml of susu cair dingin.
  19. You need 100 gr of keju mascarpone.
  20. Prepare of Bahan puding tiramisu 2:.
  21. It's 1/2 bks of agar-agar bubuk.
  22. It's 1 sdt of jelly bubuk plain.
  23. Prepare 1/4 sdt of garam.
  24. It's 60 gr of gula pasir.
  25. It's 120 gr of susu kental manis.
  26. You need 50 gr of coklat putih, serut atau potong kecil2.
  27. You need 300 ml of air mineral.
  28. Prepare 1 sdt of pasta tiramisu.
  29. Prepare of Bahan topping:.
  30. Prepare secukupnya of Dark Compound Chocolate (coklat blok).
  31. Prepare secukupnya of Cacao bubuk.

Langkah Memasak Tiramisu cake pudding

  1. Untuk Cake : Siapkan loyang d20 cm, olesi margarin alasi paper cake, sisihkan.
  2. Panaskan oven di suhu 170°C atau sesuaikan suhu oven masing2 ya...😊.
  3. Mixer telur dg kecepatan tinggi selama 2 menit, matikan mixer, masukkan tepung, mixer lg dg kecepatan tinggi selama 7 menit..
  4. Masukkan margarin cair, aduk balik dg spatula sampai rata, masukkan pasta tiramisu, aduk balik lg sampai rata..
  5. Tuang ke loyang dan panggang selama 25 menit. Lakukan tes tusuk ya...😊 setelah matang sisihkan..
  6. Puding tiramisu 1: Masak sampai mendidih semua bahan A kecuali kuning telur, setelah mendidih, ambil 2 sendok sayur adonan puding, campur dlm kuning telur, aduk rata, masukkan kembali ke adonan puding, masak kembali hingga mendidih lg. Matikan api, sisihkan.
  7. Mixer whippy cream dan susu sampai kaku, (-/+ 3 menit), lalu masukkan keju mascarpone, mixer rata dg kecepatan rendah.
  8. Tuang adonan puding ke dlm adonan whipcream sambil terus dimixer dgn kecepatan rendah sampai rata.
  9. Tuang adonan puding keju ke dlm loyang, diatas cake tiramisu. Sisihkan.
  10. Puding Tiramisu 2: Masak sampai mendidih semua bahan puding kecuali pasta tiramisu. Setelah mendidih matikan api lalu masukkan pasta tiramisu, aduk rata.
  11. Tuang adonan puding ke dlm loyang diatas puding tiramisu 1. Biarkan beku dan dinginkan.
  12. Setelah dingin, puding siap diberi topping coklat serut dan taburi bubuk cacao. Puding siap disajikan... selamat menikmati😊.

One slice of this cake and you'll be living la dolce vita - the sweet life! - by Better Homes and Gardens. Traditional Tiramisu isn't necessarily difficult to make, it's just a little time consuming, so it's not I chose to use the White Chocolate Vanilla Bean Pudding in these White Chocolate Tiramisu Pudding. Per Serving Tiramisu Bread Puddings. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. This Tiramisu Cake and the Raspberry Mascarpone Vatrushkas come from Ruby Tandoh's book Tiramisu is one of those funny things. Sometimes it is more of a pudding texture; other times more of.

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