Bread pudding with tiramisu sauce I wanted to use a different flavor profile, so I thought it would be interesting to use the flavors in tiramisu--rum. Traditionally, tiramisu is made form ladyfingers, made from a light sponge cake, that are dipped in espresso and layered with a mixture of mascarpone cheese, eggs, and sugar. Cocoa powder is often dusted between the layers to give it an extra elegant look and robust flavor.

Bahan Membuat Bread pudding with tiramisu sauce

  1. Prepare 10 lembar of roti tawar.
  2. Prepare 250 ml of Susu cair.
  3. Prepare 1 sdm of mentega.
  4. You need of Sckpnya kismis.
  5. Prepare of Sckpnya saus tiramisu.
  6. Prepare of Sckpnya keju parut & coklat bubuk.

Langkah Memasak Bread pudding with tiramisu sauce

  1. Panaskan susu, campurkan dengan mentega. Dilain itu, siapkan alumunium foil, potong2 roti letakkan dalam alumunium foil beri kismis. Jika susu sudah mendidih matikan.
  2. Lalu beri sedikit coklat bubuk, sebenernya ini pake bubuk cinnamon (kayu manis) tapi berhubung aku Gaada yaah pake aja coklat bubuk :v. Lalu siram dengan susu..
  3. Beri parutan keju, dan panaskan ovene.
  4. Masukkan oven, suhu nya 150° aja cukup/ sesuai oven masing2, tunggu hingga matang. Setelah itu, tuang saus tiramisu nya.ready enjoy it 😘.
  5. Ini enak nyaa, baunya harum bangett, ga kebayang kalo tadi make bubuk kayu manis pasti lebih pekat baunya, tapi ini enakk gurih maniss endesss:* recommended deh satu gaakan cukup :*.
  6. Oiyaa saus tiramisu itu aku beli, ga buat sendiri, beli udah cup2an gitu.

Head to the store and pick up bittersweet chocolate. This Tiramisu Bread Pudding is baked with classic tiramisu flavors like strong espresso, coffee liquor and mascarpone mousse. When I discover a Today I am sharing this Tiramisu Bread Pudding over at Better Homes and Garden's blog Delish Dish. Not only is this the first Tiramisu dessert on my blog. It wasn't in my mother's rotation of recipes growing up, so the only other exposure I'd had to the dish was the occasional After all, I have a great chocolate cake recipe, I can whip up a mean tiramisu, and my mom's peach crisp with maple cream sauce belonged within.

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