Almond Crispy Easily one of my most popular recipes. This Crispy Almond Crusted Pork is the perfect low carb and Paleo alternative to a traditional breaded pork chop. Last week we went out to dinner and a friend ordered this crispy pork chop and I have.

Bahan Membuat Almond Crispy

  1. Prepare 2 of putih telur.
  2. You need 60 gram of gula halus.
  3. It's 60 gram of terigu.
  4. You need 40 gram of margarin di lelehkan.
  5. Prepare 1/2 sdt of vanili bubuk.
  6. It's of Topping.
  7. You need of Keju parut.
  8. It's slices of Almond.

Langkah Memasak Almond Crispy

  1. Mixer putih telur kemudian masukan gula secara bertahap,mix hingga kaku.
  2. Masukan terigu dan vanili yg sudah di ayak sebelumnya.
  3. Masukan margarin cair (sudah didinginkan sebelumnya ya).
  4. Aduk rata.
  5. Lalu buat diatas baking paper, buat setipis mungkin dan berbentuk lingkaran (bisa gunakan cetakan berbentuk gelang).
  6. Taburi keju dan almond diatasnya.
  7. Masukan ke dalam oven yg sudah dipanaskan, masak dg suhu 150dc kurang lebih 10-15 menit..
  8. Jika sudah berwarna keemasan, kluarkan dr oven, tunggu beberapa menit, lepaskan dr baking paper..
  9. Jika sudah dingin masukan ke dalam toples.

Perfect for kids, plus they're vegan and gluten-free. These Thin Crispy Almond Biscotti di Nunzia will deliver. Origins of the recipe for thin crispy almond biscotti DI nunzia Crispy Almond Clusters recipe: Try this Crispy Almond Clusters recipe, or contribute your own. Crispy Almond Clusters can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. Beberapa waktu lalu, crispy almond cheese cookies ini happening sekali.

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