Almond crispy Easily one of my most popular recipes. This Crispy Almond Crusted Pork is the perfect low carb and Paleo alternative to a traditional breaded pork chop. Last week we went out to dinner and a friend ordered this crispy pork chop and I have.

Bahan Membuat Almond crispy

  1. You need 2 bh of Putih telur (me: 90 gr).
  2. It's 60 gr of Gula pasir.
  3. It's 60 gr of Tepung terigu (me : segitiga).
  4. Prepare 1/4 sdt of Vanilla bubuk.
  5. It's Sejumput of Garam.
  6. You need 45 gr of Mentega, lelehkan.
  7. You need of Topping :.
  8. It's sesuai selera of Almond slice,.
  9. You need sesuai selera of Keju cheddar parut,.

Langkah Memasak Almond crispy

  1. Siapkan loyang cookies, olesi mentega, alasi baking paper kualitas bagus (yg licin). Kl ngga ada bisa pakai kertas roti biasa, lalu olesi lg kertas roti dgn mentega agak bnyk spy nggak nempel stlh dipanggang. Panaskan oven 140°C..
  2. Siapkan bowl. Mixer putih telur sampai berbusa dgn kecepatan sedang, masukkan gula sedikit2, lalu kocok lagi sampai putih telur mengembang soft peak (jika whisk diangkat membentuk jambul menjuntai kebawah)..
  3. Ayak terigu, garam, vanilla bubuk. Masukkan kedalam putih telur dalam 3 tahapan, aduk dgn tehnik aduk balik. Masukkan mentega leleh, aduk balik. Mengaduk nya jgn terlalu lama, nanti over mix..
  4. Ambil 1/2 sdt adonan, tuang ke atas baking paper, ratakan dgn punggung sendok membentuk bulat tipis, taburi topping..
  5. Panggang selama 20mnt atau sampai warna keemasan. Sesuaikan dgn oven masing2 yaa..
  6. Setelah dingin langsung masukkan ke toples, kl kelamaan diluar nanti ngga crispy lg..

Perfect for kids, plus they're vegan and gluten-free. These Thin Crispy Almond Biscotti di Nunzia will deliver. Origins of the recipe for thin crispy almond biscotti DI nunzia Crispy Almond Clusters recipe: Try this Crispy Almond Clusters recipe, or contribute your own. Crispy Almond Clusters can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. Beberapa waktu lalu, crispy almond cheese cookies ini happening sekali.

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