ALMOND crispy(gluten free) When I transitioned to a low-carb diet, I discovered that almond flour is perfect for coating them. These gluten-free chicken tenders are wonderfully delicious and crispy. This crispy baked tofu has the perfect texture, it's coated with the most delicious almond butter ginger sauce, & it's super simple to make.

Bahan Membuat ALMOND crispy(gluten free)

  1. You need 2 of putih telur.
  2. You need 60 gr of gula.
  3. It's Sejumput of garam.
  4. You need 1/4 sdt of vanila.
  5. You need 60 gr of tepung almond ayak.
  6. You need 30 gr of butter lelehkan.
  7. You need iris of Kacang almond.

Langkah Memasak ALMOND crispy(gluten free)

  1. Mixer gula dan putih telur hingga stiff peak..
  2. Campur tepung,garam,vanila dan mixer sebentar hingga rata.
  3. Masukkan mentega dan campur dengan aduk balik.
  4. Lapisi loyang dengan kertas roti(bagian mengkilap yang diatas agar tidak lengket).Ambil adonan secukupnya,dan dengam bantuan punggung sendok,bentuk melingkar. Taburi dengan kacang almond.
  5. Panggang di oven 160 derajat hingga kekuningan.kurang lebih 5-10 menit tergantung oven masing-masing.

It makes a great base for any tart, pie, or cheesecake. Gluten-Free Almond Pie or Tart Crust. Fresh gluten-free crepes with almond flour are delicious, but you can also make them ahead of time. Store them in the fridge lined with parchment paper or paper towels between them. Make sure the container doesn't have too much air, because they can dry out and become crispy instead of soft.

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