Quiche lorraine homemade Serve classic Quiche Lorraine hot, cold, or room temperature. With bacon, eggs, and lots of cheese, it's My version of Quiche Lorraine starts with a store-bought crust (homemade is better, but it's a. Parmesan cheese in the homemade pastry crust is the Hairy Bikers' secret weapon for a quiche Lorraine that's a cut above.

Bahan Membuat Quiche lorraine homemade

  1. It's 200 gr of terigu segitiga.
  2. It's 75 gr of salted butter (boleh ganti margarine).
  3. It's 1 butir of telur kocok lepas.
  4. You need 3 sendok of air es.
  5. It's of Bahan isian:.
  6. You need 3 buah of sosis.
  7. It's 2 lembar of smoke beef.
  8. It's 2 butir of telur suhu ruangan.
  9. You need 150 ml of cooking cream (atau klo saya pakai 1 kardus cooking cream sayang kebuang sisanya hheheh).
  10. You need 1 sdt of lada hitam.
  11. It's 1 sdt of pala.
  12. Prepare 1 sdt of oregano, basil, bayleaf (boleh skip klo krg suka).
  13. Prepare 50 gr of cheddar parut.
  14. You need 50 gr of mozarella parut.
  15. Prepare 1 ikat of bayam siram air panas dan potong cingcang.
  16. It's of Bawang bombay.
  17. You need optional of Garlic power.

Langkah Memasak Quiche lorraine homemade

  1. Buat adonan kulit: terigu dan butter dicampur rata pakai food processor atau mixer klo ga ada sampai tepung bercampur dan berbentuk crumb tp moist gampang dibentuk, tambahkan telur kocok dan air es aduk uleni adonan. Bungkus plastik wrap dan masukan kulkas 30 menit.
  2. Tumis bombay. Campurkan adonan isian sambil menunggu adonan kulit mengembang. Panaskan oven. Oles loyang dgn mentega sedikit biar gampang lepas. Jgn kebanyakan jg biar ga bkin kulit nya lembek.
  3. Loyangnya uk.24. Keluarkan adonan. Giling dan simpan diatas loyang pie. Ratakan, tusuk2 garpu dan oven dgn pakai alumunium foil yg atasnya disimpan kacang. Saya pakai kedelai skalian sangrai kedelai buat soto bandung hhehehehhe. Setelah 15menit keluarkan alumunium dan panggang kembali adonan 5mnit hingga stengah kering..
  4. Masukan isian, Taburi atas nya dgn mozarella parut, panggang kembali 30 menit dgn suhu 190'celcius. Klo suami suka agak gosong hheheh jd tampilannya agak keciklatan yah. Hidangkan hangat2..

Photo about Homemade quiche Lorraine with a side salad and oil and vinegar dressing. Quiche has a thousand variations, but quiche Lorraine (named after the region in Northeast France) is the godfather Mini-Quiches Lorraine. with apple and arugula salad. You want it's eggy, bacon filled goodness. For one thing - quiche is amazing. It's literally a pie filled with a savory custard center.

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