CLASSIC QUICHE LORRAINE  #ketopad_cp_AnekaPieKeto Perfect for entertaining, this egg and bacon pie is always a crowd-pleaser for family brunch. Quiche can be made in advance and frozen, making it an easy and delicious meal! Classic Quiche Lorraine. by Karen Elizabeth.

Bahan Membuat CLASSIC QUICHE LORRAINE  #ketopad_cp_AnekaPieKeto

  1. You need of kulit pie.
  2. Prepare 130 gr of Tepung Khetobetic.
  3. It's 100 gr of Butter dingin.
  4. Prepare 2 of kuning telur.
  5. You need 3 sdm of Air Es.
  6. Prepare of filling.
  7. It's 3 butir of Telur utuh.
  8. Prepare 125 gr of Daging Sapi Asap potong2.
  9. It's 100 gr of Cooking cream saya Elle Vire.
  10. Prepare 100 cc of santan creamy.
  11. It's 100 gr of Mac Cheddar parut sesuai selera.
  12. Prepare 100 gr of Bayam.
  13. Prepare 1/4 butir of Bawang Bombay cincang.
  14. You need 2 butir of Bawang putih cincang.
  15. Prepare secukupnya of Pala, Lada, Garam himalayan.

Langkah Memasak CLASSIC QUICHE LORRAINE  #ketopad_cp_AnekaPieKeto

  1. Langkah Kulit pie: 1. Campur tepung khetobetic, butter aduk dengan sendok kayu sampai berbulir, tambahkan kuning telur dan air es, aduk pakai spatula/ujung jari, bulatkan simpan dalam kulkas 40 menit 2. Gilas, lalu cetak dalam cetakan pie yang sudah dioles, tusuk garpu dasar pie supaya tidak menggelembung 3. Panggang suhu 170 derajat sampai set lalu keluarkan. masukkan bayam daging asap, tuang campuran cooking cream, santan, telur, panggang lagi sampai keemasan.
  2. Langkah filling 1. Daging asap tumis setengah kering sisihkan 2. Bayam tumis setengah matang dengan bawang bombay dan bawang putih sisihkan 3. Campur santan+cooking cream+keju+telur dan bumbu lain dalam 1 wadah, kocok lepas.
  3. Setelah keluar dari oven, wanginya semerbak 😍😍😍, hmmmm yummies 😋😋😋.

Since then we have gone through what has amounted to the quiching of America. This hearty, savory QUICHE LORRAINE recipe is very easy to make, and will have everyone coming back for seconds! This classic quiche is savory, hearty and so delicious! For this classic recipe, crumbled bacon, Swiss cheese and a bit of diced onion are scattered in the bottom of a pastry Nutritional Information. Quiche lorraine is the classic quiche from the Lorraine region of eastern France.

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