Quiche Lorraine Quiche Lorraine - buttery crust, filled with bacon, cheese and topped with a creamy custard, is a great dish to serve for breakfast or lunch or as an. Since then we have gone through what has amounted to the quiching of America. A homemade Quiche Lorraine is one of those things reserved for special occasions that puts store bought to shame.

Bahan Membuat Quiche Lorraine

  1. It's of Bahan crust.
  2. It's 10 sdm of tepung terigu.
  3. You need 1 buah of kuning telur.
  4. You need 200 gr of margarine.
  5. You need 1/4 sdt of garam.
  6. You need of Isian.
  7. You need 1 kaleng of tuna chunks.
  8. It's 1 ikat of bayam, ambil daunnya aja rebus sebentar, tiriskan dan iris2 kecil.
  9. Prepare 1 buah of bawang bombay.
  10. It's 3/4 of keju cheddar.
  11. It's secukupnya of garam.
  12. It's secukupnya of lada.
  13. It's secukupnya of pala bubuk.
  14. You need 6 buah of telur (sisa putih telur untuk crust boleh dicampurkan).
  15. It's of sebenernya pakai susu cair untuk campuran telurnya, karena saya lagi kurang2in susu jadi cuma telur aja.

Langkah Memasak Quiche Lorraine

  1. Buat adonan crust: Campur semua bahan crust, uleni sampai kalis, lalu bentuk dan ratakan di loyang atau cetakan pie, caranya sama dengan kalau mau buat pie (saya gak pake istirahatin dulu di kulkas, keburu laper, hehee).
  2. Cara buat isian: Potong kotak2 bawang bombay, campurkan dalam satu wadah dengan tuna, bayam, parutan keju, garam secukupnya, aduk sampai rata.
  3. Tuang bahan2 isian ke dalam crust yang sudah dibentuk dalam cetakan tadi, di wadah lain, kocok telur dengan garam, lada, pala bubuk, boleh ditambah dengan parutan keju lagi kalau masih ada sisa, tuang kocokan telur ke adonan quiche, panggang hingga matang, berapa lamanya sesuai kompor masing2...karena saya pakai otang, sekitar 30-45 menitan dengan api sedang.
  4. Bisa tes tusuk dengan tusuk gigi atau garpu, jika tidak ada telur yang menempel berarti quiche siap dihidangkan... Sajikan dengan salad lebih yummy.....

Quiche is nothing more than an unsweetened custard pie from the Lorraine region of France. Quiche Lorraine gets its name from the Lorraine region in France. Traditionally, it's made with a classic quiche custard of eggs and cream and filled with pork lardons. This traditional and easy recipe for Quiche Lorraine is delicious and very adaptable; make it part of your repertoire and make it often. My Quiche Lorraine Recipe is rich & cheesy with the flakiest crust—it's an essential for brunch.

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