Quiche Lorraine Quiche Lorraine - buttery crust, filled with bacon, cheese and topped with a creamy custard, is a great dish to serve for breakfast or lunch or as an. Since then we have gone through what has amounted to the quiching of America. A homemade Quiche Lorraine is one of those things reserved for special occasions that puts store bought to shame.

Bahan Membuat Quiche Lorraine

  1. Prepare of Bahan crust :.
  2. Prepare 200 gr of terigu protein sedang.
  3. It's 100 gr of butter margarin.
  4. You need 5 sdm of air es.
  5. It's of Bahan filling :.
  6. It's 100 gr of smoked beef.
  7. Prepare 1 bh of sosis ayam, potong2 dadu.
  8. It's 100 gr of bayam.
  9. You need 100 gr of keju parut.
  10. It's 100 ml of susu cair.
  11. Prepare 100 gr of larutan fiber creme.
  12. You need 3 bh of telur.
  13. You need 2 bh of bawang putih, parut.
  14. Prepare 1/4 bh of bawang bombai, iris halus.
  15. You need Secukupnya of garam, lada, pala.

Langkah Memasak Quiche Lorraine

  1. Crust : campur terigu & butter margarin aduk dng sendok kayu. Tambahkan air es, aduk dng garpu sampai berbulir. Bulatkan, simlan dlm kulkas 40 menit..
  2. Filling : panggang smoked beef & sosis sebentar saja di atas teflon. Tumis bawang putih & bombay, masukkan bayam, masak setengah matang saja. Campur telur, susu, larutan fiber creme, keju, kocok lepas. Beri garam, lada, pala..
  3. Keluarkan crust dr kulkas, gilas & cetak di loyang pie. Tusuk bagian dasar dng garpu. Panggang sampai set, keluarkan dari oven. Taruh smoked beef, sosis, tumisan bayam. Tuangi campuran telur & susu. Panggang kembali sampai matang..
  4. Source :Tintin Rayner.

Quiche is nothing more than an unsweetened custard pie from the Lorraine region of France. Quiche Lorraine gets its name from the Lorraine region in France. Traditionally, it's made with a classic quiche custard of eggs and cream and filled with pork lardons. This traditional and easy recipe for Quiche Lorraine is delicious and very adaptable; make it part of your repertoire and make it often. My Quiche Lorraine Recipe is rich & cheesy with the flakiest crust—it's an essential for brunch.

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