Quiche Lorraine with Tomatoes and Miso Quiche Lorraine A slice of quiche lorraine Homemade spinach french pie quiche lorraine on wooden board top view Quiche lorraine Quiche Lorraine Quiche lorraine slice Quiche Lorraine Quiche lorraine slice Sliced quiche. Quiche Recipe (the best quiche recipe everyone needs!) Classic Quiche Lorraine with a savory egg custard, bacon, and cheese filling in flaky pie crust. A tasty, fresh vegetable Farmers' Market Quiche filled with zucchini, onions, tomatoes and cheese.

Bahan Membuat Quiche Lorraine with Tomatoes and Miso

  1. Prepare 2 buah of kentang ukuran sedang.
  2. It's 1 ikat of bayam.
  3. Prepare 8 buah of cherry tomatoes.
  4. It's of Bahan cair.
  5. It's 4 butir of telur.
  6. Prepare 200 ml of cooking cream.
  7. You need 1 sdm of pasta miso.
  8. It's 40 gr of mozzarella cheese parut.
  9. Prepare Secukupnya of garam dan lada.
  10. Prepare Segenggam of daun dill.
  11. It's 2 sdm of daun parsley.

Langkah Memasak Quiche Lorraine with Tomatoes and Miso

  1. Pertama-tama cuci bersih dan kupas kentang lalu di parut. Rendam dengan air dan rebus selama 2 menit. Tiriskan..
  2. Rebus bayam yang sudah dicuci bersih, setelah itu potong kasar sepanjang 3 cm..
  3. Siapkan loyang berukuran 20 cm (saya menggunakan loyang kaca pyrex). Olesi dengan mentega..
  4. Dalam wadah, campurkan seluruh bahan filling, lalu masukkan kentang, bayam dan tomat..
  5. Panggang dengan api atas bawah dengan suhu 180°C selama 25 menit..
  6. Setelah matang keluarkan dari oven dan taburkan sedikit daun dill untuk hiasan..
  7. Bonus foto, sugargliders saya pun suka hehe! Sesekali boleh lah ya makan human food 😄.

Make the perfect quiche Lorraine with this easy quiche recipe. A premade pastry crust delivers a delicious quiche in a fraction of the time. Quiche Lorraine makes a delicious dish for any brunch. Easy enough to make on a lazy Sunday, but delicious enough to serve for any holiday gathering. Recipes for quiche don't have to be daunting - just take the time to make homemade pastry for a crispy slice of nostalgia.

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