Quiche Lorraine Quiche Lorraine - buttery crust, filled with bacon, cheese and topped with a creamy custard, is a great dish to serve for breakfast or lunch or as an. Since then we have gone through what has amounted to the quiching of America. A homemade Quiche Lorraine is one of those things reserved for special occasions that puts store bought to shame.

Bahan Membuat Quiche Lorraine

  1. Prepare of Kulit Pie :.
  2. Prepare of ---------------------------------------------.
  3. It's 300 Gr of Tepung Terigu Protein Sedang (Segitiga Biru).
  4. You need 150 Gr of Margarine.
  5. You need 4-6 Sdm of Air Dingin.
  6. You need of ----------------------------------------------.
  7. It's of Isian :.
  8. Prepare of ----------------------------------------------.
  9. You need 1 Buah of Bawang Bombay, Iris tipis.
  10. You need 100 Gr of Daging Ayam Giling.
  11. You need 100 Gr of Jamur Kancing, iris tipis.
  12. You need 100 Gr of Keju Parut.
  13. You need 50 Gr of Bayam, iris tipis.
  14. It's 100 Ml of Susu Cair.
  15. You need 100 Ml of Cooking Cream (anchor).
  16. Prepare 2 Butir of Telur.
  17. Prepare 1/2 Sdt of Merica Halus.
  18. It's 1 sdt of garam.
  19. You need 1/2 Sdm of Oregano.
  20. You need 2 Sdm of Margarine untuk menumis.

Langkah Memasak Quiche Lorraine

  1. Campur tepung terigu dan margarine aduk rata lalu masukkan air dingin. Uleni hingga kalis..
  2. Giling adonan Pie dengan rolling pin lalu cetak di loyang pie lalu tusuk-tusuk, tapi jangan sampai terkena dasar loyang agar saat mengisi isian tidak bocor. Lalu masukkan ke dalam Freezer dahulu ± 15 menit. Setelah 15 menit keluarkan kulit pie lalu bagian atas beri pemberat seperti kacang-kacangan atau beras yang telah dilapisi kertas roti dulu..
  3. Oven ± 20 menit dengan api bawah (saya menggunakan oven listrik). Setelah 20 menit keluarkan kulit pie angkat pemberat beras biarkan kulit pie sampai dingin. Fungsi pemberat : Agar bagian dalam pie tidak mengembang..
  4. Panaskan margarine tumis bawang bombay hingga layu lalu masukkan daging ayam giling aduk rata lalu tambahkan irisan jamur kancing. Masak hingga matang lalu angkat. Campur semua bahan isian termasuk tumisan tadi aduk sampai rata..
  5. Tuang isian ke dalam pie lalu ratakan. Oven Quiche Lorraine selama 30 menit dengan api atas bawah (saya menggunakan oven listrik). Setelah 30 menit keluarkan Quiche Lorraine dari dalam oven biarkan sampai hangat lalu keluarkan dari cetakan pie. Hidangkan. Selamat mencoba..

Quiche is nothing more than an unsweetened custard pie from the Lorraine region of France. Quiche Lorraine gets its name from the Lorraine region in France. Traditionally, it's made with a classic quiche custard of eggs and cream and filled with pork lardons. This traditional and easy recipe for Quiche Lorraine is delicious and very adaptable; make it part of your repertoire and make it often. My Quiche Lorraine Recipe is rich & cheesy with the flakiest crust—it's an essential for brunch.

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